How simple a resistor is but it is very important in any circuits. A resistor role is to limit the amount of current flowing to the circuit. Without it, other electronic parts, circuits, modules or sub-circuits will not work. There are some factors to consider on how to select resistors. All these factors will be discussed below. These will give
READYear: 2020
How to Select Capacitors – Selecting Capacitor Rating
A capacitor is everywhere. In power supply, LED lighting, in commercial electronics, in signal processing, etc., you need a capacitor. What is its specific role basically? A capacitor has several roles. It will eliminate noise issues on the circuit, working as a filter. It is the major part in low pass, high pass, band pass, band stop filters and so
READWhat is Voltage Regulator – Explained in Details
A linear voltage regulator is the easiest to deal with. It is very easy to create and do not need much technical knowledge to understand its behavior. It has two variations: series and shunt.