center tap rectifier

What is Rectifier and How it Works

Rectifier is an electrical circuit that converts AC to DC. It is either half wave or full wave. A half wave rectifier consists of a single diode only. There are two types of full wave rectifier. One is the bridge…
BJT High Side Driver Analysis

BJT High Side Driver Analysis

High side driver refers to an electronic switch that is configured to switch a supply voltage. It is commonly used in applications wherein the power source of a circuit is electronically controlled on and off by other circuits like a…
8 Key Points on How to Select a Fuse

8 Key Points on How to Select a Fuse

A fuse is a component used to protect against short circuits. It is a safety feature thus needs to be selected correctly. Below are 8 key points on how to select a fuse. 1. How to Select a Fuse -…
how to read mosfet datasheet

How to Read MOSFET Datasheet

Circuit design is a combination of technical knowledge and understanding to each device parameters. Each device parameters are defined in the datasheet. Therefore, knowing how to read MOSFET datasheet is a must in circuits involving MOSFETs. In this another article,…
How to Select a Transistor

How to Select a Transistor

The transistor referred here is the bipolar junction transistor or BJT. Here is the complete guide on how to select a transistor. If you follow these, you can assure a rock solid design. 12 Key Items on How to Select…