Quality factor of LLC resonant converter and gain-frequency curve

Quality Factor of LLC Resonant Converter

What is the meaning of the Quality factor of LLC resonant converter? For LLC resonant converter, the quality factor Q is used to describe the operating range of the LLC. Operating range means the region in the gain-frequency curve wherein…
center tap rectifier

What is Rectifier and How it Works

Rectifier is an electrical circuit that converts AC to DC. It is either half wave or full wave. A half wave rectifier consists of a single diode only. There are two types of full wave rectifier. One is the bridge…
Right Way to Measure Power Supply Efficiency

Right Way to Measure Power Supply Efficiency

The right way to measure power supply efficiency must consider four important factors such as: (1) Use the right measuring tools (2) Sample the parameters correctly (3) Use short connections (4) Give some time before taking measurements Use the Right…
BJT High Side Driver Analysis

BJT High Side Driver Analysis

High side driver refers to an electronic switch that is configured to switch a supply voltage. It is commonly used in applications wherein the power source of a circuit is electronically controlled on and off by other circuits like a…