Junction to case thermal resistance is measured from the junction to the case. This is mostly specified for power semiconductor devices. This article will teach how to use it and when to use it. Junction to Case Thermal Resistance Symbol and Units Some datasheets use RthJC while others use RθJC. They are referring to the same parameter. The units used
READAuthor: electronicsbeliever
How to Test and Troubleshoot DCDC Converter
Designing DCDC converter may not any more difficult by the help of online tutorials, simulation software and applications notes. However, the task will not end on the design. Checking if the design is working great is another challenge. Here is the step by step guide on how to test and troubleshoot DCDC converter. How to Test and Troubleshoot DCDC Converter
READEV Charging Basic Things to Learn
Charging is not a new technology. It is widely used in cell phones, gadgets, laptops and more. Nowadays, it is widely used in the vehicle industry. The conventional way of powering our cars is through petroleum products (gasoline or diesel). However, with the advancement of technologies, cars are now being powered by electricity. Common Terms Used in EV Charging EVSE
READ8 Key Points on How to Select a Fuse
A fuse is a component used to protect against short circuits. It is a safety feature thus needs to be selected correctly. Below are 8 key points on how to select a fuse. 1. How to Select a Fuse – Starts by Defining the Normal Operating Current The part used in this article is from Littelfuse. Littelfuse is offering very
READHow to Read MOSFET Datasheet
Circuit design is a combination of technical knowledge and understanding to each device parameters. Each device parameters are defined in the datasheet. Therefore, knowing how to read MOSFET datasheet is a must in circuits involving MOSFETs. In this another article, in order to explain the ideas clearly, let us use an actual MOSFET part from Infineon. The parts number is IGLR60R190D1XUMA1
READHow to Select a Buck Converter Diode
Diode is very important integral part of a buck converter. It is very popular than using a switch in the same location. A diode does not need a control mechanism while a switch needs. A diode is cheaper than a switch considering there is an added control mechanism. Here are the guides on how to select a buck converter diode.
READHow to Select a Transistor
The transistor referred here is the bipolar junction transistor or BJT. Here is the complete guide on how to select a transistor. If you follow these, you can assure a rock solid design. 12 Key Items on How to Select a Transistor The transistor part used in this article is from Diodes Incorporated. They are offering great options for your
READHow to Select a Transformer
Before going to the discussion on how to select a transformer, let us cover first some of the transformer basic fundamentals. Transformer is could be a low frequency like those used in 50Hz or 60Hz line. Transformer is could be a high frequency one like those used in switching mode power supplies. Transformer will transfer power from the primary to
READHow to Select a Diode for Circuit Design
Diode has many uses. It could be as a rectifier, a reverse blocking device, a component in a switching converter or in a switching power supply and so on. Regardless, what application it is, they are the same parameters to consider. These parameters are all given in the diode datasheet. If you are looking for guidance on how to select
READHow to Derive IGBT Power Losses
IGBT has two types of losses. One is conduction and the other one is switching. Conduction loss is due to the voltage drop between collector and emitter times the collector current. On the other hand, switching losses is due to the dynamic parameters of the IGBT. If you are looking for an explanation on how to derive IGBT power losses,