Buck Converter Duty Cycle Derivation

In this article I will share to you the methods I used in buck converter duty cycle derivation. We will consider the ideal and the real scenarios. In ideal buck converter duty cycle derivation, you don’t need to consider the voltage drops of the switching element and catch diode. On the other hand, in real buck converter duty cycle derivation,


How Switch Mode Power Supply Regulates its Output

In linear power supply design output regulation is not a question because it is easily done by the linear regulator inserted before the load. Nowadays linear power supply is not anymore widely used. What is drawing more attention now is the switch mode power supply. How switch mode power supply regulates its output is different from what linear regulator does.

MOSFET efficiency factors

MOSFET Efficiency Factors for Switching Converters

We will discuss here the three main contributors of power losses of the MOSFET when used in switching converter or switch mode power supply. The main MOSFET efficiency factors are drain to source on state resistance, gate charge and the equivalent output capacitance.  Drain to source on state resistance or simply RDSon has a positive temperature coefficient (increases with temperature


Operation of a Switch Mode Power Supply

How a Switch Mode Power Supply Works? What is the operation of a switch mode power supply? A switch mode power supply works by continuously switching on and off a semiconductor switch. This semiconductor switch is can be a MOSFET or a BJT. The former is more popular than the latter. When the switch turns off, there is no current