Diode is a two terminal semiconductor device. One terminal is called the anode while the other terminal is cathode. Anode needs a high potential while cathode needs a lower potential level for the diode to be forward biased. The term forward biased means the diode terminals are supplied with the right voltage level. When the diode is not supplied by
READCategory: Troubleshooting
How to Know if a Transistor Defective
Transistor is an active electronic part. An active electronic part is something can perform amplifications or signal processing. Transistors are basic elements on power amplifiers, audio amplifiers, switching converters, power supplies and so on. A transistor term is somewhat generic. It could be a BJT, MOSFET of JFET. But for common people (electronic hobbyist), it is commonly referring to a
READHow to Know if a Relay Defective
Relay is an electromechanical part though nowadays there is already a so-called solid-state relay. An electromechanical means a combination of electrical and mechanical actions or functions. For hobbyist, it is important how to know if a relay defective. But before going to that, let us discuss the basics of a relay for better understanding. As mentioned above, a relay is