Inverting Buck-Boost Step by Step Design Guide

If you are planning to make your own inverting buck-boost but don’t know where to start, therefore this inverting buck-boost step by step design guide is right for you. A buck-boost converter is a DCDC switching converter that combines the function of a buck and boost converter. Inverting buck-boost is a variant wherein the output is negative with respect to


Quasi Resonant Flyback Primary Current Derivation

In order to derive the primary current of a Quasi resonant flyback, it is important to know the waveform of the current. Quasi resonant flyback primary current is rectangular in shape. It will rise linearly when the flyback switch is ON while drop immediately to zero once the switch is turned OFF. Below figure do more the explanations. Quasi Resonant

Transformer saturation waveform

Quasi Resonant Flyback Transformer Saturation Analysis

One of the very important aspect to look at in dealing with quasi resonant flyback transformer is the saturation. A quasi-resonant flyback transformer is not actually a transformer that we usually know. A transformer will transfer energy from the primary to the secondary at real time. However, the flyback converter will store energy on the primary and then transfer that energy to the secondary somehow. This action makes a flyback transformer prone to saturation if not properly been designed.

mosfet reverse battery protection

MOSFET Reverse Battery Protection

You may not know how to use MOSFET as reverse battery protection. The most common method is using a diode. However, diode voltage drop is high and this will creat issue in low voltage circuits. That is the reason many use MOSFET as reverse battery protection due to its very low on state voltage drop.

Quasi Resonant Flyback Operation Mode

Quasi Resonant Flyback Operating Modes

Each of the quasi resonant flyback operating modes discussed above has its strength and weaknesses. It is up to the designer to which mode to select. In my personal experience, I already used both the DCM and TM operating modes. Basically, a quasi resonant flyback will operate in DCM at light load and approaches to TM at very heavy load. During the design stage, the designer will set the operating point in first valley switching for heavier loads for optimum performance.

Quasi Resonant Flyback Waveform

How Quasi Resonant Flyback Works – Detailed Operation

A quasi resonant flyback converter is a variant of flyback converter wherein it makes use of the parasitic elements to partially resemble a resonance action. According to dictionary, the word quasi could mean partly, partially, comparatively or relatively. So, a quasi-resonance means a partial resonance, not a total resonance. At light load, Quasi resonant flyback operation will be in DCM. However, it will come closer to the boundary or transition mode while in full load.

Flyback Converter Circuit

How Flyback Converter Works – Operation and Principle

A flyback converter is composed of a flyback transformer, switch, rectifier and filter and the control mechanism to drive the switch and provide regulation. It is a low part count switching converter and relatively easy to make or design. A flyback converter is an isolated switching converter that can be a step down or step up configuration. Most cell phone, tablets and laptop chargers are made from flyback converter. Following topics will discuss how flyback converter works.