This design calculator is intended to help engineers speed up their design by quick selection of components using this calculator. This calculator is applicable for half bridge LLC.
The template is made in excel so that it is accessible to all engineers or any user that want to design a half bridge LLC resonant converter.
There are circuits applicable mentioned in the excel calculator. As long as your circuit is in accordance to that, you can use this design calculator.
What’s Inside this Half Bridge LLC Resonant Converter Power Section Calculator
There are two circuits wherein this design calculator is applicable. See below.

There are fields that needs user inputs. These are the fields in orange. There are also fields that has equations and will generate calculation outputs. The user must not alter them. These are the fields in blue.

The last part of the design calculator are the resulting values for the resonant capacitance, resonant inductance and magnetizing inductance.

There is a detailed guide on how to use this Half Bridge LLC Resonant Converter Power Section Calculator in a pdf format. You can download this together with this design calculator.
This design template is derived carefully and checked through other means like simulations and separate derivations using Mathcad. Actual past projects are also designed using this calculator.
After downloading this Half Bridge LLC Resonant Converter Power Section Calculator and have trouble understanding, contact [email protected].
If you are interested to learn more details about half bridge LLC, read Simplified LLC Resonant Converter Operation for Beginners.
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